
Osteopathy is a holistic form of health care.

We aim to find the cause of your pain, instead of just treating the symptoms. 

You are unique, and so is your body. What worked for your friend, family member or neighbour may not work for you. We treat each person as an individual and tailor your treatment to your individual needs and vary it along the course of treatment as required.

Remedy Osteopathy | Osteopath Room

Our osteopaths use a variety of different techniques including, but not limited to:

  • Soft tissue massage

  • Dry needling

  • Stretching, manipulation

  • Joint articulation and mobilisation

  • Rehabilitation and exercise prescription. 

Are you ready to get back to doing what YOU love?

Book in with our friendly team.

What will an osteopathy appointment look like?

  • Your osteopath will ask you questions including your presenting complaint, associated symptoms, past medical history and current medications. Providing your osteopath with all relevant information will assist them in diagnosis and treatment

  • Your osteopath will assess your neuro-musculoskeletal system, which includes your muscles, bones, nerves and a variety of other tissues. This may include assessing your movement, and performing some tests which may include orthopaedic, neurological and postural tests.

  • Your osteopath will explain what your working diagnosis is. This will include what is the likely cause of your condition/pain and what to expect from treatment. Include your prognosis (i.e. how long until you feel better) and your treatment plan (how many treatments you may need for relief).

  • This may include a variety of techniques including soft tissue massage, muscle techniques, joint articulation, mobilisation or manipulation, or dry needling.

  • You may be provided with some exercises, stretches or advice which will assist in your recovery.